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Get "Paddy's Leather Breeches" Bagpipe Ready!

Get lifetime access to all the pre-recorded video lessons of my note-by-note instruction for Paddy's Leather Breaches.

Not only will you learn your first jig, but you'll also learn the correct technique for grace notes, triplets, and doublings.

Why learn a jig??

Well, other than the fact that jigs are super fun... there are no embellishments more complicated than a doubling (fewf!). PLUS, there is a ton of repetition. Once you nail down the first line, you have actually got a lot of the tune under your belt already!

Ready to fast forward your bagpiping journey?

I remember learning to play my first tune on the bagpipe chanter like it was yesterday!

I was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, watching my fingers move up and down on the chanter as if they magically had a mind of their own. 

And that very tune I first played was none other than Paddy's Leather Breaches!

I said to myself, "I'm actually a bagpiper now!!" 😮

Be successful in adding Paddy's Leather Breaches to your piping repertoire!

Sure, you can buy this tune workshop for $53.... or you can join the Get Bagpipe Ready membership for just $27 and get access to ALL of my tune workshops!

To get your membership go HERE!

Hope to see ya in the next module!

Happy piping!

Alec Chisholm


2 Modules

"Paddy's Leather Breeches" Lessons 1 & 2

In this first module, we'll go over the first two lines of the tune... Plus, I'll also show you a bit of the third line!

Paddy's Leather Breeches Lessons 3-5

This module includes my note-by-note instruction with all the embellishments for the rest of the tune. I've also included the sheet music.

Modules for this workshop 2
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